Open Enrollment

Past Courses


Beginning a year-long sequence, this course will focus on American debates over the meaning of democracy from the early 1930s to 1950 as radicalism of the right and left, Fascism and Communism...


The second course in the series will focus on the continuing debates over the meaning of democracy in the 1950s through the early 1960s, as the United States sought to expand the influence of...

Black-and-white photograph of protesters at the March on Washington. Signs read "End Segregated Rules in Public Schools" (left), "We Demand Voting Rights Now!" (center), and "Jobs for All Now!" (right).

The optimism of the early 1960s ended with the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963. Less than a year later, President Johnson launched the Great Society, a series of social reform...


In this three-quarter sequence, we will examine the history of America, from the colonial period to the present, as “contested ground” over the origins and meaning of liberty and equality. Using some...


In this three-quarter sequence, we will examine the history of America, from the colonial period to the present, as "contested ground" over the origins and meaning of liberty and equality and the...

The white dome of the Capitol Building against the night sky.

Examine the history of America as "contested ground" from World War I to the present. This final course in a three-quarter sequence combines primary source readings with excerpts from the New York...

A symphony orchestra on stage at the Hill Auditorium and Concert Hall at the University of Michigan.

American classical music has evolved its own heterogeneous identity, characterized by energy and optimism, from its Eurocentric beginnings, exemplified by composers such as MacDowell and Griffes...

Open book on a stone ledge.

American writers have created a body of literature great in its illumination into the deeps of the human condition and our own lives. Readers through class discussions will discover in these stories...

On the left: a black-and-white portrait of Carl Jung. On the right: the cover of Jung's Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.

In this course we'll read two texts by Jung, slowly and carefully. We begin with his celebrated Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, which introduces his theory of dream interpretation against that of...

Tolstory and Anna Karenina

An insightful study of Russian political, economic, social, and cultural history, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (1875-1877) can also be seen as a precursor of the twentieth-century exploration of...