Open Enrollment

Past Courses

globe and dollar sign on a scale

Capitalism defined the 20th century. Through two world wars, a great depression, and globalization, capitalism connected people around the world even as it divided them, led to unprecedented...


This is Cather's epic creation on the efforts of historically-based Bishop Jean-Marie Latour and Vicar Joseph Vaillant to establish and "gird up" the nascent Diocese of New Mexico, recently acquired...

wb Yeats

Our goal is to explore the complex relationships between political nationalism and culture in Ireland from the 1880s. Our focus will be on the Celtic Revival and Irish Literary Renaissance. We will...

Fleet Street in London looking east towards St Paul's Cathedral, c.1890.

This class will take up three of Dickens’ most popular novels, beginning with his classic account of the French revolution, and following up with his portrayal of the phenonemon of street urchins in...


Anton Chekhov's short stories, widely recognized as among the best ever written, are filled with his unique blend of understated humor, pathos, and humanity. In this course, we will work our way...

Scan of a film reel with rainbow light interferences on top.

This course looks at film production in Chicago during the 1960’s, examining the sometimes overlapping interests of filmmakers working in fiction film, documentaries, and more experimental productions...


This course introduces students to the history of modern China, with a particular emphasis on social, cultural, and economic dimensions of Chinese engagement with “the West” over the past two...

A skyline surrounded by greenery, with icons for sustainable development goals overlaid.

Global warming is posing profound challenges to life and society. This course delves into the history of climate change, its consequences, and how we—individually and collectively—can respond. How did...

Black and white photo of John Edgar Wideman

Whose story is it? Who tells the story and why? How does a writer decide how much to get inside a character's head? What are the advantages of different points of view? We will examine exemplary work...

Contemporary Philosophy of Mind

In this course we’ll discuss a collection of classic, article-length works in the philosophy of mind published in English during the second half of the 20th century. Topics will include the nature of...