Medieval Humanism: Liberal Arts in the Middle Ages


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

The Liberal Arts Tradition is not static but is a living tradition that has grown organically. The tradition finds its roots in reading the classics and grammar, logic, and rhetoric, but it evolves into what scholars refer to as the "medieval humanism" of the twelfth-century Renaissance. This course will read the neglected but great books of this ancient and medieval tradition to trace the growth and debates among various authors and perspectives.


No class Jan 17.

Deadline for Online Registration: Tuesday, December 28 at 5 pm CT.

Remote courses require you to login to Canvas to access the Zoom Classroom. You will receive an invitation to join Canvas about a week before your course begins. Please visit the Liberal Arts Student Resources page to find step by step instructions for Canvas and Zoom: Online Learning Resources