Collage of two images. On the left: headshot of Mary Ruth Clarke. On the right: the movie poster for Meet the Parents.

Writing For The Small Screen: From Broadcast to Streaming to Web


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

Learn the ins and outs of writing for television—where the action is—from veteran screenwriter, playwright, and co-writer of Meet the Parents, Mary Ruth Clarke. With the proliferation of streaming services, as well as traditional outlets, with the popularity of limited series, as well as the more familiar sit coms and episodic dramas, there are so many rich opportunities for writers in the medium of television. (And DIY web series, also.) This class focuses on how to realize your story idea and how the game of TV writing works. It is for anyone who has an idea (comedy or drama, any genre) that could make a great episodic show or limited series and who wants to learn the crucial basics of how to write for the medium.

Course Outline

Course Syllabus


Online registration deadline: Thursday, December 29 at 5 pm CT.

Remote courses require you to login to Canvas to access the Zoom Classroom. You will receive an invitation to join Canvas about a week before your course begins. Please visit the Liberal Arts Student Resources page to find step by step instructions for Canvas and Zoom: Online Learning Resources