Baroque music image

The Baroque Spirit: Handel, Bach, and Their Contemporaries


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

The towering spiritual and cultural achievements of the Baroque era are nobly reflected in the work of Bach and Handel (both born in 1685). From Bach, we are bequeathed secular masterpieces of intensity, poetry, intellectual rigor, and breathtaking spiritual achievement, such as the oratorios. More grandiose and yet remarkably direct and communicative, Handel's art is represented by orchestral concertos and his inimitable oratorios. In this course, we will examine the works of Bach and Handel, as well as those of their contemporaries Scarlatti and Vivaldi, thereby gaining a fascinating, comprehensive panorama of an important era in music history.

Course Outline

The Baroque Spirit: Handel, Bach, And Their Contemporaries


10:00-11:00 Keyboard music by Bach and his sons. WTC, suites and sonatas

11:00-12:00 Concerti by Corelli, Handel, and Vivaldi

12:00-12:30. Scarlatti, keyboard sonatas

12:30-1:30 Lunch Break (Lunch not provided)

1:30-2:30. Bach, St.John Passion and Mass in b Minor. Handel, oratorios

2:30-3:00. Handel, operas

3:00-4:00. The French and English Baroque; Rameau, Couperin, Purcell


Online registration deadline: Sep 19, 5 PM CT